For Parents

  • Senior associates of IDACA are available as a direct point of contact between you and your sons and daughters while they are in Cape Town.
  • IDACA provides reliable, efficient and direct communication between you, UCT and the U.S. Consulate in Cape Town.
  • The website will keep you up to date with current events in Cape Town and at UCT.
  • IDACA senior associates are able to advise you should you need information if planning a visit to Cape Town.
  • Assurance that your son or daughter is one of a small group supported by experienced staff  whose primary concern is the welfare of the visiting students.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will someone meet my son at the airport?

Students are met at Cape Town International Airport by IAPO UCT mentor students who will help then arrange Uber transport provided by IAPO to their accommodation. Should the time of arrival be after 8.00 pm IDACA will fetch them. (IAPO website)

If my daughter is ill, will there be someone to advise and assist her?

Yes, she will be able to call an IDACA senior associate who will advise her and set up any medical appointments necessary. Appointments are made at UCT’s Student Wellness Services Centre or at a medical practice ten minutes from campus and student houses. This medical practice has decades of experience caring for both students as well as residents in the area. 

Will my son be safe in Cape Town?

Like in any other city in the world, he will always need to be vigilant. He will need to heed the  advice from  IAPO and IDACA during their respective orientation programmes.Detailed advice on keeping safe in Cape Town is also available on the  IAPO website( guidelines on safety and health) and that of UCEAP.

 UCT has an active campus safety and control unit which operates on campus as well as on the pedestrian routes in the residential areas close to campus. The local police station is within 10 minutes of the houses and IDACA senior associates  are on call for any concerns or emergencies.

Is the IDACA accommodation within easy access to banks, shops, food outlets, transport and medical facilities?

Yes, all of these are within walking distance of the houses as well as the campus.